Cabinn has several Hotels in Copenhagen Cabinn Hotel in Aarhus Cabinn Hotel in Odense Cabinn Hotel in Aalborg

CABINN Hotels in Denmark

If you visiting the main cities of Denmark you won’t find a better place to start than CABINN

Regardless of whether you check into our hotels in Copenhagen, Aarhus, Aalborg, Esbjerg or Odense. Because even though each hotel is different, the concept is always the same: The best location in town at the best price in town.

Prices from DKK 499 with free Wi-Fi and complimentary tea and coffee in all rooms.

At CABINN  we don’t make promises we can’t keep. We represent a decent, honest and affordable hotel concept where you can spend the night in the heart of the city without breaking your budget. In fact, our prices are the lowest in town.

This is possible thanks to the functional design of our rooms, which conserves space without compromising on comfort. You can choose between four room types: Economy, Standard, Commodore and Captain’s Class. They all include a private bathroom with shower, TV, free Wi-Fi and complimentary tea and coffee.

Provided by CABINN Hotels

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