Be aware of the big weather changes in Tromsø

Be aware of the big weather changes in Tromsø

Yngve Olsen

Yngve Olsen

Clothing for Tromsø

On an Arctic travel experience like Tromsø, clothing is one of the most important things to consider.

The winter season up here can be very cold, down to minus 25, and the summer season can be very wet.

Temperatures change fast

The climate in Tromsø is very varied, and the light and temperatures change very fast here. Normally you will find temperatures around -4 degrees in the winter, but on an Arctic winter adventure like Northern Light hunting, it can be very much colder.

What to wear in the winter

An inspiration for clothing in the winter here could be woollen underwear, woollen jersey, fleece jacket, wind & waterproof trousers and jacket, woollen socks, gloves, woollen hat or scarf and waterproof hiking boots.

Do you come from far away and used to total warmer temperatures and dress code, the Tromsø Outdoor Company in Tromsø city centre is an excellent company, which hires a full range of outdoor clothing.

Summer clothing

The early summer can be quite cold and wet here, but July and August normally get warmer. An easy jacket or a raincoat are recommended and do you go for activities like hiking or canoeing, consider warmer clothing.