Phones & Internet & Wifi


Most people in Finland have a mobile phone because they are relatively inexpensive to use. Mobile phones are often also the only way of reaching people in Finland as it is nowadays rare to have a landline and pay phones have become almost extinct.

There are several mobile phone operators in Finland. The biggest nation-wide operators are DNA, Elisa, Saunalahti and Sonera. A simple way to open a line is to acquire a pre-paid card (e.g. DNA Prepaid, GoMobile Prepaid, Saunalahti Prepaid, Sonera Easy, Tele Finland Helppo). The cards are rechargeable and can be purchased at R-kiosks, mobile phone shops and online.

If you want to call from Finland-By direct dialling:
1. dial the international prefix (00, 990, 994 or 999)
2. the country code (without the general prefix 0)
3. the trunk code (without the general prefix 0 or to Spain without 9)
4. the subscriber's number
For international number enquiries and tariff information dial 020208.

If you want to call to Finland

To call Finland from abroad first dial the international prefix of the country you call from, second the country code to Finland (358), third the trunk code without the prefix 0, fourth the subscriber's number.

If you want to call in Finland

To make an automatic call in Finland, the trunk code is used with the prefix 0. To book a manual long-distance call dial 020222. For tariff information, dial 9800-8353. For number enquiries dial 020202. For information on mobile phones dial 9800-7000. Besides telephone booths and hotels, calls can be made from local post and tele offices.

Area Codes

The trunk prefix for calls made within Finland is 0, and the international access code for calls out of Finland is the pan-European prefix 00. Callers to Finland abroad should first dial the country code, 358, and then the area code, without the first (0).


In Finland it is normal to have internet at home and/or mobile internet, so internet cafés are not that prevalent in Finland. Access is reasonable, however, to access the free wireless network that covers the country via hotels, cafes, libraries and other places such as trains and some buses. Pre-paid mobile internet services are available from certain telecommunication companies